Down in the Face of God
By Tim J. Lord
Filmed: November 14-16 2020 Streamed: March 26-28 2021
Reynolds Place Theatre, UNC School of the Arts
Produced as a part of "Contemporary Voices: A Virtual Theater Festival", Down in the face of God takes the audience to a dystopian version of the real-life city of Thebes. By combining the stories of Sophocles' Antigone and Euripides' The Bacchae, this piece calls into question identity, religion, and familial obligation while exploring themes of isolation. The performance was filmed live in Reynolds Place Theatre during the fall semester and livestreamed virtually in the spring semester.
Creative Team
Directed by: Cameron Knight
Scene Design by: Houston Odum
Lighting Design by: Amanda Fisk
Sound Design by: Dian Yu
WAM Design by: Nathaniel Jones
Props Director: Jack Covitz
Costume Design Assistant: Damarius Kennedy
Costume Shop Manager: Rebecca Eckes
Drapers: Maggie Tennant, Jocelyn Dubose, Jenna Anderson, Karen Milla
Crafts: Willow Kearns
Yasmin Pacall- Ora
Maleek Slade- Pen
Jane Cooper- Anna
N'yomi Stewart- D
Nicole Solazzo- May
Madison Kiernan- Ino
Amar Bains- Ham
Devlin Stark- Gavi